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Everything posted by Oliviya

  1. Same issue, any fix?
  2. Sold to @Callmerengod auction can be closed.
  3. 30 mins left.
  4. Can be closed.
  5. Auction won by Penguin2k for 700k.
  6. C.o. : 3m Minimum bid : 100k No insta Ending : 48 Hours (17-2-23 20:45 GMT +1) Accepted Payment : CC = 360k Pokédollars
  7. C.o. : 700k Minimum bid : 50k No insta 24hr auction will end 01:40 gmt+1 Accepted Payment : CC = 350k Pokédollars
  8. thanks in advance
  9. Will do, service will carry out in the next ten minutes. I'll hop on and pick up your poke.
  10. Welcome everyone, remember to always offer a service to those in need. My services will mainly consist of what is in the title, I'm strictly doing only ev training and story service. Rules: 1. I will not do Chansey, Shuckle and Ferro at all, unless you have them decently leveled enough and with a decent moveset. 2. Don't hound or persistently annoy me when I take your pokes to train, I'll get them done. I don't need someone hounding over me every 2 minutes 3. When it comes to story service, I expect there to be a mount put onto the account after I get the fourth badge of kanto. It'll make it faster and get the job done quicker. I will supply pokes Pricing: Ev training: 35-45k depending on evs you need. Defense/Spdef and Hp being 45k, then anything else is 35k. However, if the pokemon is one of the ones listed in rules. The price will be increased. Story service: Kanto: 500k Johto: 500k Hoenn: 800k Sinnoh: 600k These are the prices and if you have partial of any of the regions done, they'll be cut by 5% per badge you currently have. I most definitely look forward to meeting new people and helping where I can. If you wish to contact me at all, you can in game or on discord at Oliviya#1387
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