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  1. C.O:22m by CaptainEG Start:15m Min raise :500k Insta:40m Auction ends in 72 hours after first bid
  2. Yes I'm online rn
  3. 3 hours remaining
  4. 22 hours and 50 minutes remaining
  5. C.O:5m by Galewingstalon Start:1m Min raise: 200k Insta:7m Auction ends 72 hours after first bid
  6. Approximately 21 hours before auction ends
  7. Approximately 48 hours left
  8. C.O: 3m by Cyanirl S.O:1.5m Insta:- Min raise:200k Auction ends 72 hours after first bid
  9. I think I may have messed up the time
  10. 26 mins left
  11. Less than 24 hours remaining
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