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  1. Hi @Midsommar yes my team is fixed. I had some other minor switches while is was just in Kanto but those seem to be fixed as well. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thank you very much
  3. IGN:Kampfkeks113 Server: Silver Server Kanto Horsea Stuck
  4. Hi, i have encountered the same bug as yesterday, where i had a kanto horsea while travelling in johto. I can neither change its position in the team nor put it in a pc. Thank you for your help, Ben
  5. The problem was solved by logging in again.
  6. Hi, when logging in i had a Kanto Horsea in my team and now i canĀ“t change it or put it in the pc. I think it was switched with a Gastly. Thank you for your help, Ben
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