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  1. bump
  2. I'm sorry but this ended yesterday
  3. Thank you for informing me and Sorry, @GodfrezyYour bid is highest I'm just in a mix currently
  4. Starting Bid: 1.5m Min Bid Increase: 100k Instabuy: 3.5m Ends: Ended 11:49 Central 12/20
  5. I talked to the people in Saffron City guild house before it let me use /gcreate to form a guild so I'd say talk to the people there then try again
  6. Sea Faire is looking for new members to ride the Tides together. Sea Faire is a fairly new guild that has only just been established recently so we're just getting up and going. Sea Faire is meant to be a casual guild where people can come together and just be themselves while being led by the tides to new places. Anyone is more than welcome to apply to join. My only request is that you please be respectful to your fellow members. With being a new guild I don't have everything set in stone yet as to what the guild can offer or what plans I have in mind for it but I plan to finish getting it figured out in the near future feel free to leave an application in the comments or send me a message on Discord. Speaking of which the guild does have one but it is not mandatory to join as things stand now but once things get fully set in stone I would prefer if people would join it. Discord: Soulfyre(Jess)#0002
  7. Sure!
  8. No more
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