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Everything posted by Gmangaming

  1. thank you sir.. norex from discord told me to post here.. sorry for that mistake..
  2. hi.. is there someone who can help me get my missing ralts that i caught a few hours ago (aprox 10hrs more or less) the missing ralts is a synchronize adamant male one with a stats 31/31/29/--/17/29 str def spd spatk spdef hp.. this happened to me a couple of times now. but this time i want my ralts since i want to raise it as its iv stats are very good.. sadly i dont have a picture of it but some of my friends saw it as i have posted it on chat.. i already tried asking for help in discord support and they redirected me here.. norex on discord told me to ask for help here.. thank you in advance!
  3. same problem.. i wish someone would help us please.. tia
  4. same problem here.. i wish someone could help us please.. tia
  5. sold to mrgreensmoke.. thank you sir
  6. grats sir you won the bid..
  7. adamant mudkip s.o 2m min raise 200k insta 6m auction will start after first bid will end after 48hrs
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