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Everything posted by Moo19191

  1. Moo19191

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? moo19191 2. Number of hours played? 626 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? arcanine 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, Dungeons, PvP, trading, etc) Previously EV/powerleveling, now just starting out in silver, playing through story 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) decades.. 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) chocolate
  2. @Epithet Can you please reset my 3 bosses before the new week starts? Thank you!
  3. I just crashed again with Ash Westbrook. I will stop bossing now until servers are more stable. Guardian Suicune: Monday Feb 1 4:50AM GMT Thor: Monday Feb 1 5:27AM GMT Ash Westbrook: Tues Feb 2 1:43AM GMT From ^cooldowns boss moo19191 gold Suicune Guardian 02/01/2021 11 days, 10:18:55 Thor 02/01/2021 11 days, 10:57:40 Ash Westbrook 02/02/2021 11 days, 23:59:42
  4. Guardian Suicune: Monday Feb 1 4:50AM GMT Thor: Monday Feb 1 5:27AM GMT From ^cooldowns boss moo19191 gold Suicune Guardian 02/01/2021 11 days, 10:18:55 Thor 02/01/2021 11 days, 10:57:40
  5. Sorry to bother you with this...could you also reset Thor Boss for me? Proxy crash at Feb 1, 2021 at 12:27AM EST
  6. Hi, the server crashed during suicune guardian boss at 11:50PM EST - please reset boss for me, thanks! IGN: Moo19191
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