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  1. Hi @Epithet sorry to waste your time but I just logged on and was able to get through. I’m not sure what I was thinking but I was talking to the ‘Mysterious Captain’ this whole time lmao. Thank you for the help & reply :)
  2. Hey first post here sorry if it's the wrong area, I was playing today and went to get onto the SS Anne and kept getting the message as if I didn't have the ticket. I searched my bag just to be sure and huh, it wasn't there. I go back to Bill on route 25 and he asked if I enjoyed the cruise yet but no there's no ticket in my bag and I definitely haven't been on board. I checked the location in which the book should be before you find it and nothing. I asked around in the 'help' chat and some users advised posting here for Admin help. I believe a server crash might've happened after receiving the ticket (they were on and off but didn't notice anything beside rollbacks of a minute or two of gameplay to repeat) and therefore didn't save the item data but the quest data saved? (if possible even) Thank you, Jekiri
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