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  1. contacted you discord
  2. buy bold overcoat reuniclus can u contact me discord to negotiate price cause i cant find your nickname. my disc George#0133
  3. @Kaido21u have won the auction with a bid of 1m1 pm me when ready for the trade
  4. bump 12 hours left approximately
  5. s.o: 1m min bid: 100k insta: none accept cc(370k), rr(740k) and cash auction ends 48h after first bid is made
  6. @MHXXappI think i won my friend let me know when ur online for the trade.
  7. Yep come vermi same ign as here
  8. isnt the auction over?
  9. gastly 1,2: 650k each
  10. gastly 1: 500k , gastly 2: 500k , gastly 4: 400k
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