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Everything posted by Quanxi

  1. Hi everyone, i quit PRO on december last year haha i'm now on pokemmo
  2. hello bois i want to buy a timid/bold nincada pls pm me ingame: Quanxi or in discord: Haoran #7997 (im looking for one with good ivs)
  3. Hello and welcome to Quanxi's level and ev service! i usually work at night time!! CONTACT ME! In game : Quanxi Discord: Haoran #7997 Information: 1- i only accept 2 pokemon per person 2- You have to wait your turn when im too busy doing other requests! 3- Please read the list of pokemons i wont Accept! 4- I'm not available for services on: Saturday and Sunday! (EV'S) 129 Ev's - 10k 252 Ev's - 25k 510 Ev's - 35k (LEVEL) 40k pokemon in their first phase ( 75k including Ev's ) 80k pokemon in their second phase (115k including Ev's ) ( I ONLY LEVEL UP UNTIL 90) Egg Moves 18k Each egg move I wont EV or Level up: Happiny Wynaut Blissey Chansey Wobbuffet Cleffa Pichu Smoochum Togepi
  4. bump
  5. Hello, i sent you a text on discord
  6. bump
  7. Introduccion - Crimson Dragons es un guild hecho para ayudar y conocer personas nuevas en el juego y conocer personas para pasar un buen rato :3 Staff Lider: Quanxi Reglas - 1- No ser Toxico 2- Respetar los miembros del guild 3- Si vas a salir del guild avisar de antemano para saber el problema y asi solucionarlo. Como unirte Discord del gremio: Click Aqui! Mandame un DM en Discord: Quanxi #7997 ~Escribeme en el juego ~ Dejame un comentario en el foro! !Ser activo!
  8. sorry! i do not level up happiny/chansey/blissey!!!! :''((((
  9. I'm online right now, i was waiting for you jaja XD
  10. hola me gustaria comprar este pokemon xd podrian escribirme por discord?
  11. Hello and welcome to Quanxi's level and ev service! i usually work at night time!! my last daycare was named "MOODY DAYCARE" so i'm not new on this!! CONTACT ME! In game : Quanxi Discord: Quanxi #7997 (EV'S) 129 Ev's - 15k 252 Ev's - 30k 510 Ev's - 40k (LEVEL) 40k pokemon in their first phase ( 80k including Ev's ) 80k pokemon in their second phase (120k including Ev's ) 160k pokemon that have no evolutions ( 200k including Ev's ) ( I ONLY LEVEL UP UNTIL 90) Egg Moves 20k Each egg move The list of pokemon i wont level up or ev train : pichu, cleffa, igglypuff, smoochum, azurill, chingling, bonsly, mime jr, happiny, mantyke, togepi, wynaut, scyther, blissey, chansey, wobbuffet RULES! 1 - I ONLY ACCEPT 2 POKEMON PER PERSON. 2 - I WILL TAKE A SCREENSHOT EVERYTIME WE TRADE FOR SAFETY.
  12. I would like to buy a pirate eyepatch as fast as posible comment here or pm me on discord WhiteAlbum #7997
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