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Everything posted by P4n1c

  1. With the addition of pvp cheststhat now means that the queue times are much faster so now can we add a button like this but for rand battles PLEASE ?
  2. @Lucasmc congrats you won the auction with a bid of 2.1m
  3. 48 Hour Auction ( starts from first bid ) Start Price :500k Minimum Bid 50k
  4. Auction over @Quot wins with 3.1m bid
  5. Auction start Price : 750k Minimum bid : 50k Auction ends 48 hours after first bid Good Luck !
  6. @Blackmoonn congrats you won with 850k bid
  7. Auction start price : 500K Minimum Bid : 50K Auction Ends 72 hours after first bid Good Luck
  8. .
  9. yes @Canary2 congrats you win I will be online for the next 5 or so hours then will be on about this time tomorrow also , then free all day friday whatever is better for you
  10. 1.2m
  11. Auction Start Price 500K Minimun bid 50K Auction ends 48 hours after first bid
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