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Everything posted by Shippofoxdemon

  1. Hi names Shippo and i was recently introduced to a game called Pokemon Revolution Online or PRO for short and i must say the community is astoundingly helpful and i have many goals set for this game and i plan to be here for a while im done with the story and working on making some teams to potentially start bossing/pvp. Ive met plenty of friends already and hope to find many more. Heres to a new day and lucky hunting for all. Gotta Catch Em All
  2. haha forgot to post screenshots here they are now
  3. i have noticed that in sinnoh whenever the word pokemon is said it changes the e i think because it is that special e with the little thing above it ( so sorry dont know what its call lmao ), anyway it changes the text to pok?mon and this is everytime pokemon is said
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