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Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Greetings! I don't know if it intended, but I find it very frustrating when my fainted sync gets revived when I use escape rope. As this isn't the case in the original games I'd like to suggest that escapes ropes teleport you outside of last visited Pokecenter with the health bars of the Pokemon in your party as they were before using it, and let nurse Joy do what she knows best. The same applies for the Hoenn teleportation system.
  2. Auction ended, @Yoo1992is the winner. Please contact me to complete the trade.
  3. the current offer is 340k and the min bid is 20k. Did you mean 360k?
  4. Auction details Starting offer: 300k Minimum bid: 20k Insta: 2m Auction ends 48h after first bid Accepted payment Pokedollars CC: 450k Reroll ticket: 500k
  5. Auction ended, @Pablindugrau444 is the winner with 300k. Please contact me to complete the trade. @Zapkanthegod your bid was made at 7/3/25 3:39am gmt+2, which is after the end point of the auction (7/3/25 2:48am gmt+2).
  6. Auction details Starting offer: 50k Minimum bid: 1k This is a bundle auction. Winner wins both Pokémon. Auction ends 12h after first bid Accepted payment Pokedollars CC: 450k Reroll ticket: 500k
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