● What's your Name/IGN?
● How old are you?
● Are you active in Discord?
I am.
● Where are you from?
● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?
Around 200 hours of current playtime.
I currently love playing the game and am in quarantine so I basically play everyday!
● What's your goal in PRO?
To eventually climb the PvP ladder while also clearing all the available PvE content.
● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?
I believe there is no better place than one of the top 10 guilds in the server to learn
from and eventually contribute to the guild and repay it for all the experience I get.
Outside of that I enjoy being in an environment where people enjoy playing the
game at a higher level and are competitive while also having fun.
● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?
Mega-Gallade, mainly because of the art design, I beleive it looks badass.
● What's your favorite animal and why?
Cats because I think the way they slap things is hillarious