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Everything posted by Tazouile

  1. Username : Tazouile Server : Gold Your StreamLink : https://www.twitch.tv/tazouile What type of content do you stream ? Principaly PRO, but i can stream other game chill like Dofus. I'm french streamer and i'm really activ
  2. it's done bro. holy , didnt interact with rock .__. ty my bro
  3. Yo! thxx for ur answer This? dosnt work im sure i beat all boss xD i was hot for the boss forest, but all was ez
  4. Yo! i have beat all boss, do all quest, got all clothes and guard didn't want move. i follow this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/172733-keldeo-quest-guide-complete/ and i'm sure i finish it, i check all location a second time ---> i cant enter underwater, i check all location in forest in 2H of gameplay incredible and i cant enter in the area when i finish the boss apparently, so it's done, and mountain have no NPC.. All it's done but the guard didn't move. help me pls i want this keldeo ._.
  5. +1 up
  6. u are wrong, i accept it ._. check ur name in the post.
  7. xD finaly u post in forum dude
  8. actual offer:500K Desid00 Min bid : 100k Insta : 2M Auction ends 48hrs after first bid https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=48:00:00&date=2022-04-22T14:04:50&title=Shiny+Sandshrew&sound=xylophone&loop=1 Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 400k
  9. i've got 2 zubat like that
  10. Yo! i post in support discord but nobody can help me.. :/ I've got all the requirement for create guild but the /gcreate Teamronflex dont do anything. i test other name but it do the same i test the command on the chat and on the f2 but the prompt dont say anything... help :)
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