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Everything posted by Goodramaster

  1. yes, the answer of someone who knows the subject is magnificent. smoochum I probably forgot. I have 150 ice jewels, no problem. smoochum I wasn't sure I caught it. thank you very much
  2. I couldn't catch raikou and articuno. I stayed here in the missions. for example, ice gem for articuno is needed, but articuno is not there. ho-oh also seems to be caught. raikou I couldn't catch either. I have a lava bell in my bag. For example, I have lava bell in my bag. I caught entei and suicune, but not raikou. I caught moltres and zapdosu, but not articuno. celebide was caught, but no more. I have 2820 hours of game time. I've caught a total of 698 pokemon. dex info = owned 672, seen=741 evolved 286
  3. hello there. there seems to be a problem with my missions. entei suicune was captured but raikou was not captured. some of my missions seem to be wrong can you help? I am Turkish, there is not much information about the game in my country. I tried to make it as much as I can in my own language, can you help me? 2 dog catch entei suicune but do not catch raikou
  4. Username: GoodraMaster Server: Gold Gmt: +3 Turkey
  5. hello authorities. Is it possible to reduce my poke from level 100 to 97 and turn it into a bulbasaur? Thank you for your interest. pokemon id-47891654. if not, can you delete the id completely?
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