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Everything posted by Composer

  1. so you won with how much kimstarz, i have to make sure incase staff asking?, thanks god you are in sillver
  2. congrats for winning the bid for 17.3m, sorry late repose i just woke up, which server are you?, that is what i'am afraid of because i just trasferred my account to silver and can't go back to gold
  3. =============================================== Start bid: 10m Min. raise: 500K Insta: 30m Time: 3 days after first bid Money Only Please ============================== C.O 14,5M by Kimstarz =============================
  4. hello oh you are?, can you wait like for 1 hour, i have something to do atm
  5. noted ends on saturday august 7th, 11.35 GMT+7 goodluck
  6. Information About The Auction : - Please send offers/bids to PM discord(Skool.#3460) or ingame(Composer - Silver) or reply to this topic. - Be patient if i'am not reply rightaway, but i'll make sure your bid will be placed. - No Insta for this auction, so if you want it just bid as high as possible. - This auction for 3 days or 72 hours. What pokemon : Serperior With IV (23/04/30/22/17/17) Hidden Power - Fire Hidden Abillity Full Trained Max Level ============================================ C.O 10M by Coa Minimal Bid : 350k No Insta accept CC 350K/RR 700K ========================================= auction ends on Saturday, August 7th 11.35 GMT+7 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20210807T1135&p0=108&font=cursive
  7. can be closed, sorry for the trouble
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