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Everything posted by Acetzy

  1. This bug sucks man. Every time I go to other map, takes long time just to disconnect saying failed to load map. This is highly discouraging to do anything besides staying at one PC. Does anyone know the solution or is it just me? My internet connection is very very good.
  2. 3.1 mag 820 glis
  3. thankssss. thats my last bid o.o
  4. @Itsauxi Auction rule 9. Please read rules. Auction ends when bidder holds bid for 15 full minute.
  5. i did :< but end point should be honored
  6. i dont understand the hurry bro. keep it going.
  7. bruh you still didnt learn
  8. 440k mag i'm taking rest
  9. I didn't mean to XD my bad
  10. 160k ea except klef
  11. 120k all except klef
  12. No instas?
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