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Everything posted by Aluse87

  1. Hello! I was fighting Cyrus, or what ever the Team Rocket guy's name is in Distortion land before the last Pokemon to defeat before the E-4, When I was fighting him, I used about 15 revives and all my potions and full restores/ herbs (not sure the amount but know I had at the time 15 herb full revives and 12 full heals) and was on last pokemon when server crashed. I quickly logged back in when I could and showed up at the Pokecenter with all my items gone and no progression in the story. I had to cycle back to a town that sold herbs and pots and revives at same place, went to the mall and bought 200k worth of items. Fought Cyrus again, crashed, and again and it crashed. Lost all my items and my money, eventually had to just perish song him to death with 7 revives I had left. I also perished song the last boss due to this. Long story short, my question is, will i get these items or money spent back due to the crashes? I understand that is was unpredictable but I'm broke and headed to E-4 Sinnoh and these crashes happened like all night...... like I just gave up and used perish song the next day because of this. Anyways any information or answers would be appreciated.
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