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Icewolfdf's Achievements



  1. 30001
  2. 26971
  3. Accepted payment methods. Pokedollars CC - 400k Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll - 250k Start bid is 500k and min bid is 50k ENDS in 24hrs can message me in game too And gl
  4. Icewolfdf

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    name: icewolfdf Number of hours played?: 245 What's your favorite Pokemon?: pikachuuuuuuu How old are you? 18
  5. Icewolfdf

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    Icewolfdf 236 hrs Charizard 18 years old
  6. error massage and this is happening a lot now for me at different places this is only one of like 5 errors for me
  7. closing sooooon
  8. name to contact me through game is Icewolfdf
  9. minimum bid 300k bid closing in 30 mins you can contact me through game
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