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About Yoshiro02

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  1. hi i accidentally release my gyrados
  2. hey so this new update is quite disturbing because i always get frozen for 5 secs or more when i search on my bagpack or even when i was clicking on other chat hopefully to be fix thanks
  3. still available? i offer 1.8m and 2 cc if available
  4. hey i love shiny pokemon specially litwick shiny pokes looks very cool i used to have an account with a lot of shinies gas litwick and chandel too but rip it got banned... hopefully i would be pick since i really like shinies ty and gl in your tournament
  5. hey so i got bugged on catching darkrai i posted i think in general bugged about this i got froze while battling darkrai while i can chat normaly then for 2minutes i got dced then 2nd time happen when i was pming someone i hpoe you can help.me with this bcoz of the bugged i didnt get darkrai
  6. hey so this bugged is also happen to.most ppl i got froze from darkrai for a second but i can see the chat going smoothly then i get dced bfore i even get a chance to ss now i cant get darkrai cause its gone bcoz of the bugged froze i dont want to do nikola cause i dont have a team to do it yet and then it happens again i have another one while going to gible spawning ingot froze again its 2nd time ... i hope you can fix it and also hope i can get darkrai without fighting nikola tyvm
  7. hey so this is a real bugged i wan in unison pc then suddenly i get to vermil pc and im not the only one some others too kindly check the chatbox thanks
  8. hey! so im doing darkrai quest and then i get to alucard castle 2nd floor and the map is only in the left screen is this a bugged or natural?
  9. clefable the 150k ill buy
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