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About Mozambi

  • Birthday 05/10/1993

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Experienced Trainer

Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. Today 18:00 gmt+2
  2. Hi,I need 3 players for Victini dungeon,you must have it discord so we can talk and finish dungeon,add me on discord Mozambi#8379
  3. @Incandescent @Doakes @Kimew
  4. 4. Auction winners must be publicly announced. - In-game: A trade post must be made to announce the end of the auction, with the winning bidder's username and bid amount. - Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window. › In the event that the auctioned Pokemon/Item is traded to the wrong player, the trade will be forcefully reversed and traded to the rightful winner. › In the event that the winning bid is a false offer, the bid will be made void, and the auction win will be offered to the runner-up. Runner-ups are not obligated to honour their bid in these cases. Where no runner-up is available, the auction will be made null and void.
  5. Over? Where is pic of trade?
  6. Can you put max 15 seconds for every move in pvp,some players take so much time every move
  7. After using z move on pory and boosting all stats says "But it Failed!"
  8. start 300k min raise 50k auction ends 24hr after first bid
  9. start 700k min raise 50k auction ends 24hr after first bid gl
  10. up
  11. start 500k min raise 50k auction ends 24hr after first bid
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