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Everything posted by Henrypart2

  1. Benjiemager won mawile 2 . thank you all for biding .
  2. you ve won the mawile 1 pm in game for trade ign Henrypart
  3. you won the rotom mate pm in game for trade ign : Henrypart
  4. you won the bee mate . contact me in game for trade ign : Henrypart
  5. 10 min left for mawile 1 4 min left for the others
  6. thank you . 37 mins left
  7. 50 mins left mawile 2 100k
  8. mate the last bid for maw 2 was yours as well . maybe just raise maw 1 to 40k ?
  9. current offers 600k beedril 40k mawile 2 50k rotom 30k mawile 1
  10. all mons c.o is 30k
  11. 2h auction . starts after first bid for each pokemon all pokemons s.o is 10k min bid 10k no insta prices acceptable payment : cash Mawile 1 C.o 110k Mawile 2 C.o 100k C.o 50k C.o 1 m 20k
  12. 700k peli
  13. 600k peli
  14. 400k peliper
  15. 100k peli
  16. 40k peliper
  17. 3m1 chomp
  18. 2m8 chomp
  19. 2m5 chomp
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