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Everything posted by Chitti678

  1. Hey bro I'll buy it ^^
  2. Canceled /----------------------------------/ contact: + discord : r0ken_ + ingame: Chitti678
  3. 300k money in chitti123
  4. I'll pass guys gl with the rest
  5. 165001
  6. 160001
  7. 110001
  8. 100004
  9. 100002
  10. 70003
  11. 70001
  12. 69697
  13. start dusclops money in chitti123
  14. S.o : 1.5m Sold : 2.5m Min. Raise : 100k Insta : 5M Auction End Time : Ended Accepted Payments : • Coin Capsule : 380k/ea • IV Reroll : 480k/ea • Pokedollar : $$$ /----------------------------------/ contact: + discord : r0ken_ + ingame: Chitti678 you can bid here or in game. Good luck to everyone!
  15. start chomp, money in chitti123
  16. 51,070
  17. 110k ^_^ Money in chitti123
  18. Hi @Keny95I can start for 250k if u lower the s.o
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