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  1. Vraj fake offer, i will keep the chansey.
  2. Auction end, chansey sold for Vraj 800k. Ty!
  3. Bump auction will end at 19h51:58 tonight
  4. I wtb a ada swampert about 1-2m PvP ready Moveset Ice punch Power up punch Pm me in game: Gabugrias. Ty!
  5. Garchomp sold insta 1m. Ty!
  6. Auction chansey Start: 800k Min bid: 200k Insta: 2m End at 19h51:58 gtm+7 14/10 [Auction end] garchomp Start: 300k Min bid: 100k Insta : 1m Accept : Cc (400k), Nature rr( 330k), Reroll ticket(700k), candy(7k). Pm me: Id: Gabugrias
  7. Pm in game: Gabugrias Discord: deathwamp168
  8. I wtb megachomp service. Only battle with tourist and cythena I will pay 200k Pm me discord: deathwamp#1688
  9. I wtb togekiss Abi: Serene grace Timid or modest 20+ ivs spatk and spd Pm me link poke and price in game Id: deathwamp
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