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  1. Want To Sell Story Service KENTO = Full 450k(From the beginning) Half 200k (after 4 gyms) Half 250k (upto 4 gyms) JOHTO = 350 k HOENN = 450 k SINNOH = 400 k Payment methods: CC=350k RC=7k IV Reroll=500k Nature =300k Contact IGN = NikM Discord = NikM#6516 * Thanks for visiting * * have a great day *
  2. CONTACT ME ON DISCORD -: NikM#6516 I wanna sell story service all region Kanto , johto = 500k / 1 CC+120k(500k each region) Sinnoh and Hoenn = 600k / 1CC+220k ( as it is the hardest region ) (600k e. a region) 1. You must provide lvl 80 ratata for hoenn quest 2.Going sinnoh quest is not a part of the story service you have to pay for it separately Your account must have a mount/bicycle and atleast 2 lvl 100 pokes to the corresponding region Reply me here or dm me in private to know more or buy the service CONTACT ME ON DISCORD -: NikM#6516
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  3. Bro you win where to meet ?
  4. c.o. 300k by Lagordis Min bid 50k Inst. 1M Ends in 48 hrs after first bid Accepted items: reroll 700k N reroll:350k Cc: 400k
  5. Sold thanks for buying...
  6. Omw
  7. 750k by ahmderror
  8. 650k by ahmderrorx
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