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  1. Hello can any staff member help me with a situation. I wanted a razor claw and said so in trade chat. 3 people then pmed me telling they had razor claw first person told me 30k but i dont have his name now but it started with *** I think. I told him where I am but then a second person told me 25k for razor claw so I canceled on the first person and went ahead with apologizing for the inconvenience. I successfully traded the razor claw and used it to evolve my weavile. But then the first person wasn't letting it go and probably reported me. I got pretty nervous and tried to apologize again but then he said gl tomorow and left the pm
  2. Im in game righ now msg me so we can trade
  3. IGN agpk97 Current offer 550k Min bid 250k Insta 4m Min raise 50k End date 29 /02/2023 22:30 gmt +2
  4. Agpk97

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    -agpk97 -561 -scyther -25
  5. Thank you for your time
  6. Hello a ditto used transform to get my shiftry who has life orb. My setup was razor leaf false swipe thief and flash. After getting it low with false swipe I used flash so it would miss on my next poke and it used thief to steal my life orb and died because of it. Do I lose my life orb or is it a bug
  7. Garchomp Level: 100 Naughty Nature Ability: Sand Veil EVs: 1 HP / 252 Atk / 3 Def / 252 Spe / 0 SpA / 2 SpD IVs: 30 HP / 15 Atk / 6 Def / 16 Spe / 6 SpA / 22 SpD - Shadow Claw - Dragon Claw - Earthquake - False Swipe
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