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Everything posted by Itspeens

  1. 240
  2. S.O 1m Min raise 100k Insta: 5m Ends 24 hours after first bid Accepted CC(400k) IV RR(500k)
  3. closed
  4. pm me in game to claim @Jhonatanvnz
  5. s.o 50k min raise 10k insta 120k ends 24 hours after s.o
  6. @Doahyou started at 450 or are you just telling him?
  7. start: 450k min bid: 50k insta: 2m ends in 48hrs after first bid start: 450k min bid: 50k insta: 2m ends in 48hrs after first bid accepted payments: Coin capsule - 400k reroll iv - 500k
  8. 2m start offer min bid 200k instant: 5m 2 days action after start accept cc 400k each /reroll iv 500k each if bid in last 15 mins auction will extend for 15 minutes ign: Itspeens disc: _peens
  9. closed
  10. s.o 300k min raise 50k Instant : 2m End time- 24 hours after first bid Accept Payments CC 400k Pokedollars contact method - Discord: _peens Ig: itspeens
  11. Username: Itspeens Server: Silver Country/Timezone: GMT -4
  12. What is your IGN? ItsPeens Where are you from? Usa Highest rating achieved: Not sure used to do pvp trying to get back into it How old are you? 18 Discord ID: _peens P.S I used to be in empire 3 years ago
  13. S.O; 5k min raise 10k Auction extends 15 mins if bid placed in last 5 Auction ends 6 hours after first bid
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