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  1. Hi there, I'm having the issue that Caterpie and Weedle sometimes evolve at Lvl 7 (as they should) and sometimes I don't get the prompt to initiate the evolution at all. I found a thread from last year: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/160587-metapod-and-kakuna-not-evolving/?do=findComment&comment=893260 Is this still a known bug? Since I caught both Caterpie and Weedle at Lvl6, they shouldn't be "too happy" yet... Or maybe it's a new bug? So far, it happened on the silver server and also showed up when I switched to another pokemon to end the battle. EDIT: Using another pokemon for battle doesn't seem to be the reason. I just fought a battle with Caterpie alone, levelled up to 7 and it didn't evolve. One other thing that could be: maybe Viridian Forest is the problem? I had evolutions on Routes 1&2, but none in Viridian Forest so far...
  2. My mistake, cannot trade yet apparently. This thread can be deleted!
  3. My mistake, cannot trade yet apparently. This thread can be deleted!
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