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Regicidelex last won the day on February 27 2022

Regicidelex had the most liked content!

About Regicidelex

  • Birthday July 27

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  1. Wtb the relaxed tyranitar (300k) and the abomasnow. Pm in game when you re available: Regicidelex
  2. wtb Staryu 30/30 and the kingdra Ign: Regicidelex
  3. The auction is over; The winner is @Nyex with 2m(2.000.000);
  4. S.O: 500k Min bid: 50k; Duration:24hrs after first bid; Insta: 2m; Accepted payments: Pokedollars / If payment goes above 700k, IV Rerolls are accepted as a payment method;
  5. No, it was mentioned just for 24hrs. Not 24hrs after the first bid. Upon mods closing the thread i will extend the duration of the auction since 24hrs were not enough apparently;
  6. A message to the Staff Team : Last viable bidding was from @SarmsF. As the account looks to be suspended/banned, thus making the auction be in a weird situation. The person before him was explained the situation but he presented no interest anymore, thus i am asking you to close this thread so i can restart the auction; Going from person to person to lower the price does not look like a viable option within these circumstances;
  7. Update: Mochi00 bidded 1.3m in game
  8. @daftgenius should be valid as no one bidded items, just pokedollars; In case an offer was considered with items it would be viable
  9. Siiorspro offered in game 900k.
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