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  1. 1m1 ( gold server, i can transfer)
  2. Sold
  3. Start from gold I'll transfer if I win
  4. Hi, but I can only see ferro, no bundle ?
  5. 1.1m
  6. 850k
  7. 550k
  8. Hello, Few days ago, I lent some boss pokemons from one of my friend: Ratedbeast. I did bosses, but unfortunately, I forgot to return him and I started the hoenn story. Thus, I would like to request any trade moderator to help me in this situation. The pokemons that I lent along with its ID no. were: 1. Whimsicott : 54152815 2. Pangoro : 54152810 3. Smeargle : 54152806 4. Bulbasaur: 49245026 Thanks!
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