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  1. WELCOME REQUIREMENTS: add as friend under 100 game hours MUST pay upfront over 100+ hrs upon delivery/prepay FAQS PRICES MAY VARY FREE DELIVERY 3+ pokemon = DISCOUNT LEVELING EXP MAY TAKE UP TO 24 HRS NO MOVES INCLUDED NO SMEARGLE NO SNORLAX CURRENTLY NOT TAKING SINNOH SRRY SERVICES EVs IF NOT LVL <35 CHARGE 6K FOR FS each lvl stat 25k =50k total (up to an hour per poki) LEVELING EXP 2 evol = 65k offensive 1 evol = 100k offensive no evol = 200k offensive PREFERRED NOT TO DO 2 evol tank/defense = 75k 1 evol tank/defense = 150k tanks/defensive no evols =200k PREFERRED NOT TO DO to level 92 LEVELING EXP MAY TAKE UP TO 24 HRS PAYMENT GUIDE Poke$$ (prefered) RC =7k cc=400k IV RR=600K Nature RR=300K CONTACT : EATONCINNAMON /in game Eaton Cinnamon#2619 /discord PLEASE BE PATIENT AND COURTEOUS THANK YOU FOR SEEING US AT sLoWbRos SERVICE sHoP!! PLEASE SHARE AND FOLLOW!! DONT FORGET TO TIP FOR OUR SERVICES THANK YOU To Do List: Evidence
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