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Everything posted by Toxikarp

  1. Congratulations on the achievement, may we all have fun and enjoy @MythicalLegend's upcoming event!
  2. Bump! Welcome to the guild!
  3. Hey there @ShinyBot3000, good luck on your Pokémon journey!
  4. Start 700k (10:07 GMT+0)
  5. Hello there @Ricky568! I would like to avail of your story service, for the regions Kanto all the way to Sinnoh. I have sent you a message in Discord.
  6. @SarmsF, I'm online, we could do the trade right now
  7. 249k for the larvesta
  8. Luxury pokeballs are obtained from the Easter event jeweler in exchange for some crystal shards. I'm looking to buy at least 100 of them for 10k each, (1m for 100). If you're selling in bulk, I'll pay an additional of 20k for each trade where at least 50+ balls are present. I'll also only do trades in event pokecenter, except if you're selling in bulk.
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