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  1. Couldn't reach the winner he's on my friends like ingame but didn't connect so far
  2. Auction is over @Xisaaccrazyx won congrats
  3. 400k by Xisaaccrazyx
  4. 50k by Mrzero7
  5. Starting offer: 10k Min bid: 10k Ends in 24h after start Accept Pokedollars, cc: 400k, no insta Good luck
  6. ralts 100k, mimkyu 100k
  7. trade is finally done
  8. 50k umbreon 50k magnezone
  9. This player is still avoiding me he was online 1 hour ago and didn't meet with me or respond
  10. 195k aggron 120k mawile
  11. im online rn where are u
  12. force it or let me re auction or something it's been a while @Mbk
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