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Everything posted by Flaggpunsch

  1. theycallmeric bid first it is currently 1.3m by theycallmeric 10 m left
  2. 1.3 by theycallmeric
  3. 1.25 by shopuk
  4. 1.15 theycallmeric
  5. 1m 50 k by theycallmeric
  6. 850k by katawaredokifan
  7. Start: 800k Auction over: 3m 500k by theycallmeric Min bid: 50k No Insta Auction End 24H after start I accept CC(390K) and Pokédollars https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3426532/scizor
  8. 1.6M or 4cc Reply here on forum or contact me in game. My IGN is pontusjpp99
  9. Close
  10. Auction won by Guidelli 1 Mil
  11. Bid 1 Mill by Guidelli
  12. Bid 900k by ldragon310j
  13. Auction start
  14. AUCTION OVER Start: 800k Current Offer: 1 Mil Min raise: 100k No insta buy Auction ends 36 hours after start I accept coin capsule(390k) and Pokédollars. Auction End: August 8th 11:39 CET https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3399223/gible
  15. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Pontusjpp99 2. Number of hours played? 59 Hours, most of them last 8 days. Had an account made in 2017 that i played on but for the life of me i cant remember the username or password so i created a new one. 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Lugia, Pokemon 2000 Nostalgia. 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting, Currently hunting Pokémon for bossing and pvping 5. How old are you? (Optional) 23
  16. I want somewhere around 200-300K
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