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  1. Heya I am the chap that did the auction from V1ce I want to buy for my alt Tangi21 could we pls talk on discord TANGIBLE_TESTING#9457 Sorry I couldn't get in touch earlier I was having some issues irl
  2. Auction has been closed
  3. Oh thank so much for your help. I have no further doubts. Pls close this topic and also have a lovely day.
  4. Hi my ign is Tangi21 of the gold server. I just today did the volcanion quest and succeeded and decided to continue and do the cyan fire wing quest. I read a guide on the forum that said go to house opposite the lillithe npc( dunno if I spelled that right). There are some blue mons blocking the way. I have not been able to reach the house and they(the mons blocking the way) are not interacting with me either. PLS help
  5. Hi my discord is TANGIBLE_TESTING#9457. I am interested in buying the 700K one could you pls msg me
  6. That's why its 250K not in the range of 350-500K like the others.
  7. Hi ign is Tangi21 and discord is TANGIBLE_TESTING#9457. I would like to get lvl service from you. Pls msg me on discord when you can.
  8. Are you guys still up. Need lvling and ev training. My discord is TANGIBLE_TESTING#9457. Pls pm if still active
  9. Hiya my discord is TANGIBLE_TESTING#9457. I am interested in buying an untrained togepi serena grace for 100 K you have mentioned. With those awesome ivs. Pls contact me so we can discuss further. My ign:- Tangi21
  10. - Evee - Mew - Charizard
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