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Everything posted by Osean02

  1. Wtb modest shiny tenta, pink jolly drought vulpix
  2. Wtb Ninetales, Growlithe, Both Vulpix. Can do 180k for the four of them?
  3. I hope they do balance it out by increasing the reward money as well as the overall over coin gains. I wouldn't mind benching my other boss teams if they make the rewards worth it
  4. I first heard about it from my guild mates in DC months before I came back (maybe around the Halloween event) and yesterday while reading about 'What is the future of the game? Flopped? ' (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/249807-what-is-the-future-of-the-game-flopped/) I've seen an Admin's reply which included this information (At the beginning of the 'Future of the economy' part)
  5. I just got back in the game around the end of the recent Christmas event after nearly a year of being inactive. I found out that bosses cooldown will no longer be character-based and will be account-based instead in the future alongside the server merge. What are your thoughts regarding this? Is this final? Will they really implement this? I personally don't think this is a good idea unless they're gonna upgrade the rewards we're getting on a hard difficulty boss. Still even if they upgraded the rewards, i feel like this limitation will impact a lot of people like me who only relies on the excruciating pain of hours and hours of battling a total of 80 bosses in a week as source of money. Also, I'm in the middle of building my third and fourth boss team ;—; I wasted a good amount of money on building my first and second boss team, and my third and fourth are now prepared to be trained. Lending and transferring boss team from one character to other is a pain for me who only use one device so I decided to build boss team for each account. So should I continue in making my third and fourth boss team or just abandon it?
  6. 250k magikarp
  7. Start magikarp
  8. Thank you. I'll be online with my alt account OSean03 in a minute
  9. I won ralts, right?
  10. Can do 50k on naive eevee?
  11. Wtb the 20+ trace and sync sassy Ralts 50k and 30k
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