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Deita last won the day on May 18

Deita had the most liked content!

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Experienced Trainer

Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. This Eevee has no OT. Start Bid: 100k Min raise: 100k Auction Duration: 48 hrs from first bid
  2. Yes Ill come to vermilion in 2 minutes
  3. Trade completed, Calamansi picked it up with their alt.
  4. @Boomsmoke I will be online again all today, please let me know when we can finalize this trade, thank you.
  5. Start Bid: 1m Min raise: 100k Auction Duration: 48 hrs from first bid
  6. 1.1m I will transfer if needed.
  7. I will be online for the next 7 hours or so again.
  8. Hey I'll be online for the next few hours, feel free to pm me in game!
  9. @Boomsmoke You won congrats. Feel free to message me in game (deita) or on discord (deita.) when you are available.
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