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Everything posted by Osean02

  1. It's over, you won. Sorry for the late response, i was travelling. Send me a message her or on discord, i'll be online in 5 hours
  2. Bump less than 5 hrs left
  3. I don't know if you're still looking for any of these mons but please have a look. I have prices in mind but i'm not really good at prices honestly, im open for negotiation in case you find something here
  4. C.o 550k By Vedraj Ends on May 08, 11:46 AM [GMT+8]
  5. S.o 500k Min bid 50k No insta Ends 72hrs after first bid [gmt+8] Accepted payment Cc- 360k Iv reroll- 500k Rc- 6k Ign- OSean02
  6. I want to buy the 80k shiny butterfree if it's still available. Ty
  7. Wtb the epic relaxed eevee
  8. 250k ninetales
  9. Is the modest riolu still available? Is yes i would like to buy it
  10. Hi, you won Tentacruel. Pm me ingame when you're available or you can message me on my discord. Thank you Ign: OSean02 Discord: Osean#2286
  11. Hi sorry for the late reply, are on now?
  12. Yes, auction is still ongoing. Thank you for starting Tenta, it'll end on April 27 at around 1am (GMT+8)
  13. Hi, thank you very much. I actually made a report at general support asking for a force trade since it's been days that we can't meet each other ingame. Regarding his conditions, i agrees on giving 80k along with Happiny for 1 cc, i have enough balance on my account. Thanks again and sorry for the trouble
  14. Timid h.a clefable and timid staryu for 150k?
  15. Yes you won Happiny. Sorry for the late response, i fell asleep. Let me know when you're free
  16. S.o 300k Min bid 50k Insta 600k Endpoint 15min Ends 48hrs after first bid C.o 300k by Xiaochoi Min bid 50k Insta 500k Endpoint 15min Ends on April 27, 1:50am (GMT+8) S.o 300k Min bid 50k Insta 1m Endpoint 15min Ends 48hrs after first bid Accepted payment methods are: Pokedollars Cc = 380k Iv Reroll = 550k Ignames : OSean02 False bids will be reported thank you, happy bidding.
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