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About Adagioxt

  • Birthday August 9

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    English Pre-Service Teacher

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  1. Good day, Ma'am/Sir! My username is "Adagioxt" from the Gold Server and I'm writing this request to get my OT Clamperl back with a Deep Sea Scale item in the PC of "Jhohann". I tried to trade with him my clamperl for it to evolve but I forgot that he's not done yet in Sinnoh and he's still on the process of completing the Kanto region. I'm really hopeful to get my Clamperl back and I'm really sorry for forgetting such information about the locking system for pokemons. Thank you and have a great day ahead, our dear developers! Hello, I have returned the Clamperl back to your PC. Its in the last spot of your PC. -MBK
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