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Everything posted by Yamee

  1. Hi bro. I'm online Contact me when u can. Ty
  2. 16m
  3. 15m
  4. 14m
  5. 13m
  6. 12m
  7. 11m
  8. i'm in silver sever ingame : Yamee my discord : Yame#5762
  9. ty so much. it's my bad. My problem is solved
  10. sorry. i have last question. after defeating the boss Lord. i go back to PC and get synch. but i can't go to back matsuki courtyard to catch keldeo
  11. ty so much. it's my bad. My problem is solved can close.
  12. @Unownedpls help me! thanks
  13. i finished killing the Forest master but i didn't get the forest gem item from the NPC in my bag. So i can't complete the next quest
  14. Keldeo legend pokemon quest. When i get to this step the game shows this dialogue. Can't beat the boss and at the same time can't get out of the map Please support me! Ty so much.
  15. hi @Messijohn This auction has ended. I think no one bids more than me contact me when you can. my discord : Yame#5762 thanks !
  16. hi bro ! i need your ingame in gold sever i want offer for dragonite
  17. I quít. Good luck bro
  18. I quít. Good luck bro
  19. 10m4
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