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  1. Auction on excadrill ended and the winner is @Royalboss with 550k offer. We can meet in game for the trade. Thanks everyone for participating.
  2. auction on excadrill ends in 3hours and 42 minutes. bump
  3. medicham trade completed
  4. Medicham auction ended and the winner is @Sirchancelot with 1.6m we can meet in game for the trade. Excadrill auction goes on with remaining time at 24hours and 45minutes.
  5. the rules say that at the last 15minutes everytime a bid happens the 15minute time ressets so the offer is 1.6m and 15 minutes left to go
  6. c.o 1.4m 59k on medi 15minutes to go
  7. c.o 1.2m by Pilek 15minutes remaining
  8. 24minutes left on medicham
  9. c.o 969k on medi
  10. c.o 859k by Bangbotak
  11. 800k is not a valid bid cause last bid is 751k. Min bid is 50k so you have to bid as 801k sorry for correcting just to avoid mistakes
  12. Bump 5 hours left
  13. Bump
  14. S.O 600k Min bid 50k no insta ends 48h after first bid accepted payment methods gold or cc=380k auction on medicham ended poke sold for 1.6m S.O 500k Min bid 50k no insta ends 48h after first bid accept payment methods gold or cc=380k
  15. 61k
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