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Jojolkien's Achievements



  1. And i love your profile photo, i love jojo
  2. Okay never mind mate gave kabuto at 90lv
  3. The first two and I myself are fighting Grovyle at 80lv.
  4. Hello, I have a problem getting the FEATHER BADGE badge in the HOENN region, my pokemon are killed instantly. What should I do in this situation besides painstakingly levelling? Is there any way for someone to help me?
  5. Hi, I wanted to evolve my Haunter 100lv into a Gengar but I forgot that my friend won't be able to give it back to me. I asked him to send me a screenshot of the whole incident. Would it be possible to restore the pokemon to my nickname: Jojolkien We play on a silver server.
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