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Posts posted by Darklight0

  1. Welcome to dark's quest service


    Hello Friends;😊

    .I am doing Legendary Quest service and mega stone service at a cheap rate for yall @Narutox07,Now i will display our prices . ENJOY😀


    Prices :


    Easy quest : 150k (Like mew , celebi)

    Normal : 250k(Like kyurem , Diancie,Heatran,Hoenn forces )

    Hard:350k(Zapdos,volcanion,jirachi,lake trio,latios,latias)


    Easy :125k ( scizor /abomasite/banitte/audino)

    Normal : 200k (Gyaradosite/slowbronite/manectrite)

    Bit hard : 250k(mega starters)

    Hard : 350k (Latios / latias)



    • You need to have all the required things.
    • Mega bracelet



    • 50% will be given to be before service an 50% after service.
    • The reward you will get will stay on the account.
    • ANY SHINy that I will get in wild during service will be mine



    • Pm me in forum
    • Discord id : Majorisback
    • Ingame: Darklight0,(If online)

    It is available for both server gold and silver ...


    accepted payments:


    Iv rr : 500k

    nature rr: 250k

    shiny mounts : 350k

    normal mount 100k(except ark9 mount and Lapras mount)

    event mount : 350k-400k




    thank you


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