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Everything posted by Rudedingo22

  1. Moved to new post with more mons Come Checkout Rude22's Shop - Pokémon Shops - Gold - Pokemon Revolution Online
  2. cancelled
  3. @Dyates04 is the winner with a bid of 5.1m (sorry was at work someone called in had to stay later) im logging on now
  4. nevermind lol was already said
  5. S.O.: 1M Min Raise 100K No insta: Ends: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4642946/my-countdown W.O.: 5.1M by Dyates04 Accepted Payment CC = 350k iv rr = 500k nrr = 250k poke dollars
  6. decided to keep
  7. hmu when you are online in game, ill buy shiny magcargo and the lonely aerodactyl
  8. @Varun9696 im on break right now i will be online for 30 minutes
  9. no im working
  10. ill be asleep at that time as it will be around 2am or 3am for me. so gonna have to meet later
  11. I won right?
  12. 200k
  13. 350k
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