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Posts posted by Medu5a

  1. 30 minutes ago, Bhimoso said:

    -1, sometimes players from many years ago get unbanned. Imagine if your pokemon were given away against your will and then you were given the chance to come back to the game on an empty account.

    If you have try and mods or admins have tell you never gonna get it back whats the point? Anyway thanks for your vote my friend

  2. Hello evryone! Here its medu5a or how old players know me as paok123

    My suggestion is! So many players from 2016 have take perma ban and can't take there accounts back! If this accounts stay locked for ever the pokes was existing there have simply desipere  right? So why you do not take the shiny and good pokes from banned accounts and make them somthing like give away for evryone with 1k hours + ? I mean if you was knew my old acc i was playing all day i lose so many shinys if i was know i will take ban propably i whould give them away! I do not say that for i take somthing , give them maybe at players with -1k hours ? For other players can buy them! Now days only shinys exist in game its 2 low cause as i said many have take ban many have stop playing and for us we love shiny buying and selling its nothing 2 do with that! We need hunt like for 1-2 weeks in a row for tier 1 shiny ratata! I hope evrything make sense cause you know me my english its not the best so hope my idea get some attension and if do not make it true maybe at the future change it a litle but keep the main ''head'' and make somthing with that! Peace and love ❤️

    Shop back then

    : shiny charizard shiny luxray shiny breloom shiny shiny shiny

    Shop now days

    : shiny clefa shiny ratata shiny zubat ......


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