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Posts posted by Vatevuoktliek

  1. What you are suggesting is already possible in a desktop computer. You can login in two different accounts in two windows and trade yourself. I do it all the time when I need to transfer my boss team for a boss run.

  2. I have been reading alot of system based comics lately and had the idea that as an MMO, PRO could have a lot of benefits with titles. Some of the ones that came to mind are as follows:


    *EXP based title*

    This title can provide extra exp to title holders. A boost of 25% would be beneficial and would bring the current exp boost from 175% to 200% (This is in consideration of active membership and EXP boost potion) 


    *Money based title*

    The current bonus of 200% money earned from NPC and wild battles from membership is already enough so I don't know how much of a boost would be appropriate.


    *Trade based title*

    Dunno what could be an appropriate effect or could be just a cosmetic to show other players that this player is a trader. 


    *Travel based title*

    Reduced travel prices or ticket perhaps.  


    *Hunting based title*

    This is a tricky one. The one I had in mind is a type badge where a specific type encounter will be boosted. 

    For example, let's take two hypothetical titles and name them as Bug Catcher and Firebreather. One player equips Bug Catcher and another equips Firebreather. These two players are in the Bug Catching Contest. Player 1 with the Bug Catcher title will recieve zero boost since all Pokémon in BCC area are all bug types. However, player 2 with the Firebreather title will recieve encounter boost for Larvesta since it's the only fire type in BCC. This means that during a rare encounter, Larvesta will have the highest possibility of being encountered since it will be boosted by the hypothetical title(Assuming all rare tier Pokémon in BCC have the same encounter chance). Badge equipped would be limited to 1 type. 

    Another possible effect for the title is the hidden ability boost. The current H.A chance is 5% and 25% with the Black Medallion. The title would provide another 5% which would bring the overall chance of H.A to 10% and 30% with Blk  medallion. 






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