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Everything posted by Hanubhai

  1. Duskull : start 150k Min bid: 20k LEFT 72 HRS Gyarados : start 50k MIN BID: 10K LEFT 72 HRS Treecko : start 20k MIN BID: 5K LEFT 72 HRS
  2. Server is in maintenance
  3. Add me in game for the transfer @Luxiao. Congratulation for winning the auction !
  4. Over to Luxiao @Luxiao for 1.6 mil
  5. Bump
  6. C.O: 1.2m from Pokerface1984 @Pokerface1984
  7. C.O: 1m from Onlyluckyonce @Onlyluckyonce
  8. C.O: 600k from Riegnhard @Riegnhard
  9. 3 days - Auction End Time: 72h after first bid (Ended) C.O: 1.6m from @Luxiao Min bid: 100k Insta 20m
  10. Gastly S.O : 100K Nature: Timid ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ MIN RAISE : 50K No Insta END OF AUCTION : 3 days AFTER FIRST BID
  11. Mine has Speed boosted and 30 Special attack IV and level 100 and fully EV trained.
  12. Mine has Speed boosted and 30 Special attack IV and level 100 and fully EV trained.
  13. Hanubhai

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    Player name: Hanubhai Hours played: 116 hrs Favourite pokemon: Greninja Favourite activity: Trading and PvP` Old: 21 years
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