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Everything posted by C1qiqibtw

  1. wtb slowpoke, pm me
  2. 300k
  3. Forgot to ss, but trade has been done. Can be closed as i don't think the other mons will sell
  4. Sorry again, on not even days i'm working the entire day, You can reach me easier in discord, Demisia.
  5. Sure, sorry for the late response, i didn't get a notification
  6. 1.2m
  7. start reuniclus
  8. 1.2m
  9. 700k
  10. c.o 250k Min bid 100k Accepted Payment: iv rr 500k CC-380k Insta 5m Auction ending on 12.10 20:00 gmt+3
  11. Hey peeps, looking for a hlw pawn/bisharp up to 2.5m-ish budget depending on nature mostly
  12. +1 if you take plain pvp coin shop it's not that rewarding to play 400 turns vs heal pulse garde, more drops should be an ideea, and i can come up with a decent idea for devs in case they want small ideas. Normal lootbased season reward system based on wr so this way rewards are not walled by rng and everyone should be rewarded by simply skillfloor
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