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About Coffeeee

  • Birthday March 7

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  1. @Narutox07 my discord coffeeee_1
  2. 1hr 56min left
  3. Bump 11hr 20 mins left.
  4. C.o 550k by Narutox07
  5. C.o 500k by Shellter
  6. https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=71:47:00&date=2025-03-24T00:39:30&sound=xylophone&loop=1 Current time left
  7. C.o 450k by Boyong
  8. Start 300k Insta 2.5m Minimum raise 50k 72hr time start after 1st bid Accept cc as 500, iv reroll are 550k Good luck
  9. So what to mean by that?
  10. Hello! Just wanted to is valentine day form trapinch huntable now or on 2nd part. I have seen almost all forms till now but not valentine's trapinch.. also I recently was hunting n caught 250 trapinch 3k+ repels but no form yet, so curious to know what's happening
  11. Point 2: as you stated this forum post are available for everyone to see, i definitely agree it's also depends on your popularity to get high price, but as being a public post, I have no followers still my post / auction get 100+ views but 1-2 buyers same views are for the popular players , 2nd thing I agree it's hard to coordinate on forum but almost 99% of players have access to discord as main chat sources which PRO mods cannot manage or investigate until reports are made, so main question who will make a report? Well my simple point for this post was , just to avoid all this also sellers have many support mechanics n rules made by PRO , can be one fair rule in support of sellers to sell pokemon without doing minimum raise n start bid? Obviously a really buyers will buy n bid on it..
  12. Hello, still waiting for mod to update!
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