Top Bidders Summary
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 275k by Pokereborn
Blaziken - 275k by Pokereborn
Volcarona - 800k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 170k by Fercho0o
Timbur - 135k by Negopreto
Current Top Bidders Summary
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 275k by Pokereborn
Blaziken - 275k by Pokereborn
Volcarona - 800k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 130k by Ferco0o
Timbur - 135k by Negopreto
Summary of top bidders
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 250k by Pokereborn
Blaziken - 250k by Pokereborn
Volcarona - 800k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 90k by Fercho0o
Timbur - 135k by Negopreto
Latest top bidders summary
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 250k by Isildurr2x
Blaziken - 250k by Isildurr2x
Volcarona - 800k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 80k by Bloodylaw
Timbur - 135k by Negopreto
Latest summary of top bidders
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 250k by Isildurr2x
Blaziken - 250k by Isildurr2x
Volcarona - 700k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 70k by Tjdj
Timbur - 130k by Phanikumar
Quick summary of top bidders
Lapras - 90k by Thatboimelly
Cloyster - 250k by Isildurr2x
Blaziken - 250k by Isildurr2x
Volcarona - 700k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 70k by Tjdj
Timbur - 125k by Negopreto
Quick Summary Update of bidders
Lapras - 50k by Hieuplacemade
Cloyster - 250k by Isildurr2x
Blaziken - 250k by Isildurr2x
Volcarona - 630k by m1dnight00
Horsea - 70k by Tjdj
Timbur - 100k by Phanikumar